Using Bootstrap Tooltips to display jQuery Validation error messages

While working on the form validation we find few issues in displaying the errors to be displayed. When error is displayed few jumping’s on the screen happens which is awkward as a part of UI.
Jquery validation is always simple and helps in rapid development of applications as it goes with the forms also. There are many ways to display validation errors but I found Bootstrap tooltips to dispaly error messages using jquery validation is more appropriate without disturbing the user interface of the application.
In this tutorial jQuery UI in place and  jQuery UI tooltip is in use. This example will use the Bootstrap tooltip instead. As much as anything else this demonstrates that you could swap out the tooltip mechanism here with any of your choosing. The plugin provides visually appealing prompts that grab user attention on the subject matter.

Using Bootstrap Tooltips to display jQuery Validation error messages Using Bootstrap Tooltips to display jQuery Validation error messages Reviewed by BloggerSri on 6:42 AM Rating: 5

1 comment:

Suseela said...

There are lots of information about latest technology and how to get trained in them, like this have spread around the web, but this is a unique one according to me.

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